I have heard from several people that I haven't updated my blog enough. I guess that is what happens when you don't really have anything to say!
I figured that I would post some updates the kiddos:
I can't believe my baby is about to turn three! Where did the time go? I find myself still treating him/thinking of him as a little boy, when in fact, he is getting so big! He has started asking "why" about everything, and I mean everything!!! People say that is a sign of intelligence, but by 3:00 pm I feel like if I have to answer one more "why" question, I will go completely bonkers! I try to remind myself that it is his way of learning about things, and like everything else, this phase will end sooner than later! He loves cars and trucks, playing outside, school, painting/coloring, and most of all, tormenting his little sister! He is very independent, but has started whining about everything (this, too, is driving me crazy!). If you ask him what he wants to eat, he will almost always reply with "grilled cheese" or "dino nuggets." He begs for us to read to him, and likes to snuggle on the couch when he watches a movie. He loves playing with friends, even though all our neighbors are girls. He will tee-tee in the potty, and he made "stinkies" in the potty for the first time this weekend. He is all boy, and he never stops! Carter can melt my heart faster than anyone, and I can't imagine life without him!
Ally is getting so big! Although she is not walking by herself, if you give her two fingers, she will take off and go! She got a black eye from trying to push her wagon the other day, and now she is a little timid about pushing anything! She loves playing outside, reading books, sitting in her Ally chair, holding her baby doll, and wearing jewelry! At times I think she is going to be a bigger tomboy than I was, but other times I think she is all girl! When we say "pretty girl," she touches her head to see if her bow is there! Ally is a great eater, and will eat just about anything if you give her time. She loves her big brother, and I find her mimicking him at least 100 times a day! She can say mama, dada, Daisy, no, bye, hi, down, outside, Bubba, Shiner, Gaga, thank you, and a few others I can't think of right now! When we go running or for a walk, she tells everyone we see hi and gives them a wave. If we see a puppy while we're out, she does her happy shriek, which makes me laugh every time! Ally has started to snuggle and give lots of kisses, but she can also throw a fit like no one else! She is almost always in a good mood, even when I'm not. She also loves to sleep late! I am happy that God chose me to be her mommy, and I can't imagine life without her, either!
i think i like this little life
1 year ago
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