I just noticed that Rebecca tagged me for this questionnaire, and I decided to answer it since 1)I haven't blogged in a long time and 2)I am just sitting here watching the Aggies get creamed by the Longhorns.
Everything you wanted...and didn't want...to know about Sam!
1. Where did you meet?
We met in 7th grade, at the end of the year, on the way home from a band trip to some amusement park.
2. How long did you date?
Humm, let's do the math: from October 19, 1994 - December 29, 2001. We broke up after we graduated from high school, but we still spoke on the phone almost every day. No matter what I did, I just couldn't get rid of him! :)
3. How long have we been married?
It will be 7 years on December 29.
4. What does he say that surprises you?
He is always optimistic, and he usually says something encouraging even when things are not (in other words, his glass is always 1/2 full). I appreciate this about him, even though it can also drive me crazy at times. Ex: He still thinks the Aggies can pull off an upset again Texas tonight.
5. What is your favorite feature about him?
His height and eyes.
6. What is your favorite quality of his?
There are too many to list! Dedication, hard work, sense of humor, optimism and passion are just a few.
7. Does he have a nickname for you?
He calls me "Court" or "baby doll."
8. What is his favorite color?
Green and Maroon
9. What is his favorite sport?
Tough one: he loves to watch baseball and football, but really likes to hunt and shoot sporting clays.
10. What is his favorite food?
Anything but tomatoes. He doesn't like chain restaurants, either.
11. Where and when did you first kiss?
I'm not sure when it was, but it was a long time after we started "going together" in high school. I do remember that it was in the back seat of my mom's suburban when we dropped him off at home...a quick peck, but nonetheless, it was perfect.
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
Watch the Aggies play football or baseball; go out to eat; watch movies in our bed.
13. Do you have children?
Yes, Carter (almost 3) and Ally (almost 15 months).
14. Does he have a hidden talent?
He is a great cook! Just last week, he went through the Southern Living magazine and picked out a week's worth of recipes to make, and they were all yummy! He can also read a book faster than anyone I know.
15. How old is he?
The big 3-0!
16. Who said "I love you first?"
He did! It took me a long time to say it back, but he never gave up!
17. What is his favorite type of music?
Texas Country
18. What do you admire most about him?
He is a great father! He loves to do anything and everything with the kids, usually without any prompting. He is also very honest, hardworking and intelligent.
19. Do you think he will read this?
Yes, eventually. I am proud to say that he actually reads the blog and comments on it often. He also shares it with his co-workers and friends.
20. Where did you go on your first date?
To see "Mrs. Doubtfire" at the movie theater. I think his mom dropped us off and my mom picked us up...so romantic!
I tag Megan, Pamela, Whitney and Dawn.
i think i like this little life
1 year ago
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