All my family (the four of us, mom & dad, Justin & Heather) took a road trip to Houston for the Houston Livestock Show. I don't know who had more fun - the adults or the kids!!!
The pictures are out of order, but I don't have time to mess with it right now!
The last thing we did while we were there was take the kids on the big slide. They had been waiting all day to ride it, and after standing in line for 20 minutes, they finally got their chance! Daddy rode with Ally, Carter rode with Aunt Heather and Justin rode by himself. I thought Ally would be scared once she got up to the top of the stairs, but the first things she said when she got off was "AGAIN!"Sam took Ally to play a game so that she could win a prize like Carter. She ended up with a monkey and frog, which she still carries around every day!
i think i like this little life
1 year ago
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