I know this post is a little late (that what happens when every member of the family has had the stomach bug in the last two weeks), so here is a quick re-cap of our activities... The kids loved decorating their eggs, but for some reason the Easter Bunny forgot to hide them on Easter morning! He remembered the plastic eggs but forgot all about the other ones. Luckily, the kids didn't even realize it!
The best picture of the kids dressed for church on Easter morning. Why is it that they REFUSE to take a picture together???
Hunting for eggs at Gaga's house was much more fun that hunting eggs inside out house!
I'm not sure who was more into the egg hunting this year...Ally or Carter. Of course, Carter was still not 100% from the stomach bug, and little did we know Ally would be the next one to get it (at midnight, if I remember correctly). Ally enjoyed searching for eggs so much that Carter hid them for her several times while we were at Gaga and Granddad's house! What a terrific day!
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