We closed on our house in Fort Worth today. Here are a few pictures that we took while we were there. Carter also had a big day while he was at home with Nana and Grampa (Sam's parents)...he got his big boy bed!!! We ordered it about a month ago and it finally arrived today (just in time for us to be out of town!). It is a lot bigger than I expected! He was really excited about it, especially because he got new baseball and football sheets. I took a picture of Grampa, Carter and Ally playing on it before we put on his new sheets. I'll try to post some more pictures tomorrow! He isn't asleep...yet...but he hasn't gotten out of it so far...we'll see how the rest of the night goes!
I've been meaning to post that we sold our house about 4 weeks ago, and we are closing on May 8. That means that we have to be moved out by then! I can't believe that we are getting so close to moving away from our beloved home in College Station to the scary town of Fort Worth! It will be an adjustment, but hopefully it won't be too painful!
Fort Worth is not scary. I promise. I was really freaked out about moving up here when I left CS 8 years ago. But, I love it here now (although I get homesick every now and then). My sister and her husband and 3 year old live in Fort Worth, so we'll have to get together once yall are settled. What part of FW is your new house? They are in the Tanglewood area, by TCU. Email me so we can make some plans!
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