In one week from today the movers will arrive at our house to begin packing up our home. It is still hard for me to grasp, so right now I am just trying not to think of it. There are many positive things about our move to Fort Worth, but right now all I do is dwell on everything we are leaving behind. I am going to miss my mom more than she will ever know, and even though I know that we will still see her a lot, it is just not the same. I am going to miss my sister-in-law and niece, my many friends, getting to go to Aggie sporting events whenever we want...I could go on forever!!! So in the midst of all this craziness, I try to remain positive and remember that everything is going to be okay...hopefully.
i think i like this little life
1 year ago
You are making me cry again!! I feel the same way, it is great for you and the kids to see Sam all the time now but I am so so sad to see yall leave. I am trying to ignore it too but when you started talking about it as in next week I just had to swallow really hard. I love coming to play after naps and how Kaylie watches Carter and how eventually Ally would copy the both of them. They will see each other lots though, we just have to make it a priority. I love you and Sam and Ally and Carter. We all do!!! Time to get the kleneex.
It will be ok! Come back for lots of visits, alright?
Hang in there, I have a feeling you will LOVE it! Come back often and I'll let you know when we're in the area and we can take all the kids to the zoo!
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