This week has been kind of a blur because on Tuesday and Wednesday I had the unfortunate luck of getting the stomach bug (Carter caught it yesterday, but so far, Ally has been safe!). I looked at my watch yesterday and realized that, since I was pretty out of it for two days, I didn't realize we had entered into a new month. I remember when I was teaching I would eagerly await for May to get here because it meant the end of the year had arrived and summer would be here shortly. However, over the past few months I have been dreading May, and somehow it is already here!
Ally turns 8 months tomorrow! It doesn't seem possible! She is such a good baby, and I can finally say that she is a great sleeper! She loves playing with Carter, jumping in her Jumparoo, being outside, and sitting in Mommy or Gaga's lap! I love having a little girl to play dress-up with! She is really good about keeping bows in her hair...or on her head. I can't wait until she starts crawling in the next couple of weeks! Here are some pictures of her in her room.

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