2010 has been a great year so far for the Noynaert family! It started on New Year's Eve with great friends and good food (and no, we didn't stay up until midnight!).
Sam and I made a very quick trip to Fort Worth on January 2nd to visit friends and see Jack Ingram in concert at Billy Bob's! It was a great trip, although it was too short and we had lots of other people/things we wanted to see and do!
We had great seats at the concert! I didn't know a lot of his music, but he put on a great show!
A friend of mine convinced me to take the kids bowling with her last week...and it was quite an experience! Between the two of us, we had 4 kids under 4! Carter loved it and asks to go back all the time, while Ally thought it was fun the first few times and then got distracted!
Sam took the kids to an Aggie basketball game one Saturday afternoon while I was in Houston at the Bridal Fair (with my future sister-in-law!). He told me he had to wake the kids up from their naps to go, and he couldn't even bribe them with popcorn to help improve their moods!
Both kids started gymnastics this month and they LOVE it! Right now they are going at different times during the week, but hopefully we can get them going at the same time sooner than later!
Carter loves to pose with a "Gig'em" these days! We haven't been brainwashing him or anything!We have finally gotten back into our routine and for that I am thankful. The kids are enjoying school, gymnastics, children's choir, play dates, etc., and are keeping us busy! We love every moment, and we are looking forward to many more fun times this year: my brother's wedding, a trip to Italy (unless we gain our senses back by then), a Disney cruise (with a possible stop at Disney World) and many more events! Happy 2010!!!
i think i like this little life
1 year ago
"Unless we gain our senses" is a wish for something that is long gone. I'm pretty sure our senses were gone after we decided to have kids! Who's bright idea was this anyways...
I'm so glad that you guys are going to Italy!!
Download some movies on your iPod or iPhone before you go and bring some earbuds. When the kids get tired of touring, you can give them instant entertainment. I don't know why we didn't think of that with Jackson.
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