Our family stayed busy during the month of December! I have tons of pictures, so instead of writing about each event, I have decided to just summarize the rest of our month and make a slide show!
Carter had lots of birthday parties to attend in December, including his own! He also had a small Christmas party on the last day of school with his classmates, sang in church on Christmas Eve and LOVED waking up to find that Santa had come! Santa brought him a John Deere Gator, which he rode for about 10 days straight. He would load up the back with boxes and trash and drive it to the "burn pile" at Gaga's house! All of his new toys have done a good job keeping him entertained!
Ally had a Christmas party for her class, but unfortunately she was unable to attend because they had it on a day she doesn't go to school (and we already had other plans). Her class did end up singing in her school's Christmas Program, and she did a great job playing her bells and singing "Jingle Bells." She also sung in church on Christmas Eve. Ally really didn't feel well during the holidays, and after two trips to the doctor and three prescriptions, she is finally feeling better! Ally loved opening presents. Her favorite things were her kitchen and all her new princess clothes (which she rarely takes off!).
We stayed at my mom's on Christmas Eve, but our stay was extended when we discovered our heat was out at our house. Sam finally got it working again (a few days later), but we didn't mind spending the extra time out there. Between birthday parties and Christmas parities, we were ready for a little relaxation! We couldn't have asked for a better way to spend our Christmas, but now I am ready to get back into a routine and return to "normal!"
i think i like this little life
1 year ago
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