The week after we moved my mom, the kids and I drove 13.5 hours (yes, you read that correctly!) to Ruidoso, New Mexico. After a long week of moving and unpacking, it was nice to get away from the house and escape the mess. The kids did great in the car, especially on the way there. I ordered them some travel trays to strap onto their car seats, which they used to eat snacks, color and play with toys! The trip back was not as smooth, but they still did incredibly well...and I've even said that we can go back sometime soon (last time we drove out there I swore I would NEVER do it again!).
I love the mountains for many reasons, but I think one of the biggest is that they remind me of living in Ft. Collins, CO when I was younger. Of course, you can't beat the cooler temps, but there is just something so peaceful about them. It was so nice to get away, and I hope we can do it again with the rest of the family soon!
We met my college roommate (we lived together the entire time we were in college and didn't kill each other!) and her husband (who was Sam's roommate for a bit) for the weekend. It was so nice to see them, but it just made me miss them even more than I already do! We also got to see my favorite aunt and uncle and my mom's friend, Kathi. I can't wait to do it all over again, especially if the Texas summer stays as miserable as it is right now!
Ally and Carter posing in front of my parents' house. They loved playing in the yard, climbing on the rocks and collecting millions of pine cones!
Ally and "Aunt" Sarita. I love how they are just hanging out and have the same expression on their faces!
Carter loved playing baseball with "Uncle" Tucker. He has actually gotten really good at hitting the ball so I'm hoping a baseball scholarship is in his future!
The kids and I with our life jackets on waiting to ride the paddle boats. We thought it would be something fun to do with them, but don't let those cute little boats fool you! They are hard work, especially when the wind is blowing about 30 mph!!!
Our view from the boat - I love it!
We took the kids to ride the ponys in town. I actually thought that Ally would ride them and Carter wouldn't but it was the other way around. Ally was fine petting them, but wanted nothing to do with riding them! Carter, however, was a true cowboy!
Sarita and I at the park across from the pony rides. If I remember correctly, we are waiting on a reservation to eat dinner at my favorite restaurant. It has the best mexican food, which we ate several times!!!

Carter and Ally skipping rocks in "Rio Ruidoso." They thought it was really neat to be able to go all the way down to the river and play in the cold water!
In other news, we are still here trying to get unpacked and decide how we are going to remodel the house. I have had a hard time because this house is much smaller than our house in Fort Worth, and even our first house in College Station, but I know that we are truly blessed. Not only does Sam have this incredibly opportunity to go back to school, I still get to stay home with the kiddos. Who knows what the future holds for our family, but right now I think life is pretty good!