We had such a great day yesterday! The kids got to sing in church at the 11:00 service, which they both thought was great! They also got to wave palm branches after they sang their song in honor of Palm Sunday. The pictures didn't turn out very well because someone was always standing in my way! This is actually a picture of them practicing the song before the service started.
The church had a lunch after the service, followed by an Easter egg hunt (or Easter egg dash). Carter had fun running and filling up his basket as fast as he could, while Ally needed a little more coaching! She finally got the hang of it and kept saying, "This is really, really fun!!!" Our day ended with "Disney Movie Night", which is our new Sunday family tradition. We also made homemade pizza rolls to top off the day!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Palm Sunday
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
One of My Favorite Things...
is Fightin' Texas Aggie Baseball! There is no better way to spend a beautiful spring afternoon/evening than at the baseball field! WHOOP!!!
Carter got to spend some time on the field with the players again tonight. Everyone was impressed that he knew all the words to the War Hymn (that's because he requests it every night when he goes to bed). I have been told that he is teaching it to his friends in class, even the t-sips!!
He hung out with the second baseman tonight!
He was so proud when he walked off the field!
Of course, you can't go to an Aggie baseball game without getting something to eat!
We have decided that we need to include "baseball treats" into our monthly budget!
The "Aggie Princess" swinging in her gymnastics pose.
When the sun goes down at Olsen Field, the bats come out! I am personally not a fan of them (remember "The Great Outdoors" when the bat lands on John Candy's face - it traumatized me at a very young age), and my daughter has inherited my fear of them! She was screaming the other night and wanted to leave because she is "really, really, really scared of bats!!!" Here we are walking to the car while she carefully observes the sky above her!I'm glad my kids share my love of Aggie baseball!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Two More Pictures...
This is how Carter has been dressing lately while we are at home - Cowboy Carter! My sad attempt at taking a good picture of the kids before we left for Houston!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Houston Livestock Show
All my family (the four of us, mom & dad, Justin & Heather) took a road trip to Houston for the Houston Livestock Show. I don't know who had more fun - the adults or the kids!!!
The pictures are out of order, but I don't have time to mess with it right now!
The last thing we did while we were there was take the kids on the big slide. They had been waiting all day to ride it, and after standing in line for 20 minutes, they finally got their chance! Daddy rode with Ally, Carter rode with Aunt Heather and Justin rode by himself. I thought Ally would be scared once she got up to the top of the stairs, but the first things she said when she got off was "AGAIN!"Sam took Ally to play a game so that she could win a prize like Carter. She ended up with a monkey and frog, which she still carries around every day!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Ally's Rodeo Day
Ally's school had a Rodeo day two weeks ago, which she absolutely LOVED!! Ally loved roasting her marshmallows!
Digging for gold and other buried treasures.
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Catching Up - Valentine's Day
The kids really enjoyed Valentine's Day this year! They both picked out cards to give their friends...and Carter even signed his name on each one of his!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Two Wheelin'
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 2:44 PM 2 comments