I completed my 1/2 marathon today in 2:21:43! It was really windy and cold, but I had a great time and enjoyed running it! I will post pictures tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who called and emailed me (before and after), and special thanks to Sam, Carter, Ally and my Mom for being there to support me! I love y'all!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
That's how many people in our family are currently on antibiotics! Yes, it has been a rough week. It started out with Carter not feeling well, and being diagnosed with a sinus infection last Thursday. Follow that by another trip to the pediatrician on Valentine's Day, where we were told Ally had a cold and beginning stages of an ear infection. We ended up taking Ally back to the doctor on Tuesday, where they confirmed that she has a severe virus. Tuesday morning I woke up not feeling so hot, and by the end of the day, I was pretty sure I was coming down with the flu. Thankfully, Sam was able to take off work yesterday and take care of me and Ally while Carter was at school. After a brutal trip to the local Urgent Care clinic, they diagnosed me with a sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. I got a shot in the hip, two prescriptions and a note to not return to work until 2/21. I told the doctor I was a stay at home mommy, so I'm not sure if she wasn't listening or just thought it would be a funny joke to give me an excuse from work! Too bad I can't take it!

Posted by Sam and Courtney at 2:15 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Dallas Aquarium
Last week my good friend Lauren came up here to North Texas, so I decided to be VERY, and I mean VERY, adventurous and meet her at the Dallas Aquarium. For those of you who don't know me very well, I don't like driving in big cities, especially when I don't know where I am going. You might be thinking, "you live in a big city," but everything I need is on just a few select streets, and if I have to venture off of them, I usually have a small panic attack. Anyway, everything was going fine until we missed the exit, which I still say wasn't clearly marked, and ended up in the ghetto near the Cotton Bowl. I knew this wasn't a good area to be lost in because I had been to the Cotton Bowl several times (yes, it was a long time ago when the Aggies were actually good enough to go to bowl games)! Sam had my Garmin in his work truck, so I called him at work and told him he was going to have to leave his office and come and rescue me, although I wasn't sure we would still be around by the time he got there! He did get me back on track, but I wouldn't let him get off the phone with me until I was in the parking lot with Lauren in my sight!!! It was definitely an adventure, and next time I think I will let someone else drive!
It was a really neat place to take the kids, although not stroller friendly! We had a blast with Lauren and the boys, and we are so glad that we were able to meet them there!
Agghh..it won't let me upload the pictures so I will try again later!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 4:20 PM 2 comments
While my mom was here, we took the kids to the local "kids only" barbershop to get their hair cut. Ally needed her bangs trimmed because she won't keep a bow in her hair, and Carter was starting to get a little shaggy. Ally did great the whole time...never cried one tear! Carter, on the other hand, started crying...I mean screaming...the minute we pulled into the parking lot! For some reason, he absolutely hates getting his hair cut, and he flips out every single time! It is usually a two person job to take him, and I am hoping that he grows out of his sooner than later!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Busy, Busy, Busy!
My mom came up last week for a a visit, and it was so good to see her! We hadn't seen her since Christmas, and the kids were just a little happy that she came to our house!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Cowboy Day
Carter's school had a Cowboy Day last week, which Carter thought was very cool! Lucky for him, Gaga was in town, so he got new boots and a new hat to wear for it! I think he makes a handsome cowboy!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 3:04 PM 0 comments