I am so blessed to have my parents living so close to us, even though that is about to change when my dad moves to Rome in January to start a new job. If you know me, you know that I do NOT like change, and this is a big change!
My parents are true heroes for many, many reasons. My parents have given me so much, but I think one of the things I am most thankful for is the relationship they have with my kids. I enjoy watching them interact with both of my children, and I wouldn't trade the time they have spent with them for anything in the world. I am also thankful for the words of encouragement they give me, especially on those frustrating days when Carter is acting two, when they are sick, or when I just haven't had any rest and I am exhausted. I am thankful that they come over almost every day, especially when Sam is away at work. It is so nice to have someone to see and talk to other than a toddler and infant. I am thankful that they are always willing to babysit when I need them. I am thankful for the parents they are and the grandparents they have become, and I pray that I am as good at both roles as they have been. I couldn't have asked for better role models! I love you so much mom and dad, and I will never be able to say "thank you" enough or repay you for what you have taught me.
i think i like this little life
11 months ago
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