Friday, May 30, 2008
Not Another Bow!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 1:55 PM 1 comments
Ms. Prissy
Ally has really started to show her personality lately. Although she is happy most of the time, there are those moments when she gets upset and she is NOT afraid to show it! She has one of the best smiles, and her laugh is contagious. Although she will only be 9 months on June 4, she thinks that she is a big girl. She will now only eat table food, and preferably the food that we are eating. Don't even think of trying to feed her, especially with a spoon, because she will have nothing of it! She shows her displeasure by pouting her lips and turning her head so that you cannot reach her mouth, sometimes hiding her face by pressing it up against her high chair! Sometimes I worry what she will be like when she is two if she is already acting like this!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Friday Picnic
We didn't have much to do today after we found our local post office, so we decided to have a picnic on the back porch (after Carter asked if we could eat lunch at the zoo like we did yesterday). It wasn't too hot until the end, but I think it bothered me more than the kids. Carter thought it was really cool that we got to eat outside!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 1:30 PM 0 comments
How Could I Forget???
I can't believe I forgot to list some of the most important things on Carter's "Favorite Things" list!!!
Here they are:
1. Gaga & Grandad
2. Bubba
3. baseball
4. reading books
5. Texas Aggies
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Mr. Independent
"I do it by myself" are words that I have been hearing a lot lately. Not that I mind, but sometimes I still think of Carter as a baby, which he doesn't really appreciate anymore! All of the sudden, he has gotten so big! I cannot believe that he will be three in 6 short months!
Some of Carter's favorite things, in random order:
1. trucks
2. tractors
3. the zoo/animals
4. pizza
5. working with daddy/using tools
6. Ally
7. getting to watch movies
8. playing outside in his "big backyard"
9. eating hash browns from McDonald's
10. Gaga's house
He has taught me more than I could ever teach him, and I love him more than he will ever know!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Memorial Weekend
Justin got some new running shoes while he was in town, and Carter insisted that he get some, too! These are the pair that GaGa let him pick out at the mall. He wears them all the time, and has even asked if he could sleep in them!
Gaga brought the kids a new pool when she came to visit! Needless to say, we have almost worn it out since it has been so hot lately!
Carter LOVED playing in the water with Bubba!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
"I'm just working"
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Fun in the Sun
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Zoo, Yard Work and Park
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 9:12 PM 1 comments
We've Moved!!!
Posted by Sam and Courtney at 8:53 PM 0 comments