Ally has really started to show her personality lately. Although she is happy most of the time, there are those moments when she gets upset and she is NOT afraid to show it! She has one of the best smiles, and her laugh is contagious. Although she will only be 9 months on June 4, she thinks that she is a big girl. She will now only eat table food, and preferably the food that we are eating. Don't even think of trying to feed her, especially with a spoon, because she will have nothing of it! She shows her displeasure by pouting her lips and turning her head so that you cannot reach her mouth, sometimes hiding her face by pressing it up against her high chair! Sometimes I worry what she will be like when she is two if she is already acting like this!
One of the best things about Ally are the snuggles she gives. She loves to give out "baby hugs" and "sugars." I can only hope that she will continue to do this as she grows.
No, she isn't crawling, but why should she? She has a big brother that loves to get her things that she cannot reach, and a mommy who usually doesn't mind carrying her. At times I am ready for her to start moving, but then I really think about it, and decide that it is good thing that she is taking her time developing this skill!
Some of Ally's favorite things, in random order:
1. Carter
2. Mommy
3. Daddy
4. Gaga
5. Cheerios/Puffs
6. laughing at Carter when he makes silly noises
7. swinging
8. playing with all of Carter's toys
9. being outside
10. going shopping (ok, not yet, but I'm hoping that it will be one of her favorite things soon!)
11. playing peek-a-boo
12. being tickled
13. bath time
Just like Carter, Ally has taught me so much in her short life. I can't imagine life without her, and I love her so much. I can't wait to see what God has in store for my two beautiful children!
Looks like Ft. Worth is treating you guys well. The kiddos are just precious as always.
You don't want Ally to crawl yet...I ache for the days that they stayed in one spot!
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